
Finnish hospitals join EU CVD prevention

EU tailors cardiovascular event prevention

CoroPrevention is an EU-funded project to personalize the prevention of further episodes for those suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD).

Having received almost 20 million euros from Horizon 2020, CoroPrevention seeks to tackle CHD with lifestyle improvements and medications individually tailored for patients. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) costs the EU over 210 billion euros annually and with an aging population, this number is predicted to rise. CVD is responsible for the deaths of close to half of all women and 40% of men.

Systems for prevention implemented in Finland are comparable internationally with Greece, Poland, and Portugal. The research uses state-of-the-art diagnostics to identify high-risk patients, which benefits from the Finnish Hertta ceramide test, the European Cardiology Association’s ESC Lifestyle Guidelines, and the digital Onnikka Lifestyle Guide developed in Oulu.

There are a total of 30 clinical centers collecting participating patients in six countries which, in addition to Finnish University hospitals, include clinical centers from Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Portugal. Also, Finnish educational establishments and companies are involved in the management of the project.

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The project, launched at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), features a randomized clinical trial (RCT) for high-risk patients with CHD. The European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), part of the ESC, is trialing a novel, personalized prevention program. The program will be customized according to the patient’s preferences for behavioral change which will be supported by mobile apps and medical staff. The support provided will include coaching to reduce stress, exercise, improve diet and sleep routine, reduce smoking and alcohol usage, and remind when to take your medication.

Participants will be able to share their experiences in patient workshops being organized at recruiting sites where ambassadors will be selected to contact new participants. To maximize patient engagement, the information that comes out of these workshops will be shared across study sites on the ESC Patient Forum.


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