Award-winning Growth Company MEDI Connection is a reliable partner and employer

Award-winning Growth Company MEDI Connection is a reliable partner and employer

MEDI Connection’s strong growth and reputation as an efficient partner has yielded results. Suomen Asiakastieto Oy awarded MEDI Connection with the prestigious Strongest in Finland certificate. In addition, our company has been granted Kauppalehti’s Achievers and Growth Company certificates.

What do these certificates tell our customers and our staff?

Asiakastieto’s Strongest in Finland certificate is granted only to Finnish top companies with a AAA or AA+ Rating Alfa credit rating. Credit rating confirms for our customers, partners, and staff that cooperation with us is on a financially sustainable footing and that we are a trusted player in the healthcare industry.

The Achievers certificate issued by Kauppalehti says that MEDI Connection is one of the leading companies in its field in key performance comparisons. Financial success is built on a number of areas such as dedicated staff, successful operating models, and understanding your customers. Indeed, the healthy growth of the family business has supported the development of quality services in line with our values. Achievers certified companies have well-established operations, balanced growth, good performance, strong financial structure and liquidity to ensure business continuity.

The desire to learn and interest in developing in their own field has yielded results, which is evidenced by the Growth Company certificate granted by Kauppalehti. The family business must be capable of bold reform in the healthcare industry and develop new operating models that enable growth in a digitalizing environment. The Growth Company certificate can be granted to a company that has clearly grown its business over the last three years and annual revenue growth has been above the industry average growth rates of at least 10 percent.

At MEDI Connection, we are very pleased that the work we have done has yielded results and supported the success of our business. The certifications we earn are valuable, visible indicators to support our company’s reputation as a reliable partner. Not to forget, however, that one of the most important indicators of a Finnish family business is not only financial ratios but also a motivated and fulfilled staff, which enable healthy business growth.

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